The Ranking is divided into Leagues composed of 50 users. According to your performance and the amount of trophies you obtain, you can be promoted or demoted to another League.
Please note that it will be possible to be demoted in all Leagues except Explorers I.
By clicking on the trophy icon located on the bottom bar of the screen, you will be able to access the Ranking section. There you will see the League you are in, your position in the table and the amount of trophies you have accumulated at the moment.
In addition, you will be able to identify the positions that will cause you to be relegated to a lower League by a red square or "relegation zone". Once you enter the zone marked by a green square or "promotion zone" you will be able to advance to a higher League at the end of the season.
We invite you to read the articles: What is Ranking?, What are trophies and how to get them?, and Why did I lose my category if I had reached the Trailblazers League?