If you notice when you log into your account that you have lost your level and stats, we want you to know that, for your peace of mind, progress has not been lost. What may have happened is the following:
- You entered a different email address than the one you used to create the account. To verify this, go into Settings and check if the email address is incorrect. If so, log out from Settings > Log out and log in with the correct email address.
- You signed in with a Facebook profile and your account was not associated with Facebook. If so, sign out from Settings > Sign out and sign in with the email you created your account with.
- You signed in with an Apple ID, and your account was not created with this method. To verify this, go to Settings and check if the email and username are incorrect. If so, sign out from Settings > Sign Out and sign in with the correct email.
Please note that if you are still unable to recover your account after following these steps, you can contact our Support team here.
Please provide us with any possible emails or usernames you may have used on your account, and we will help you recover your account.